Date posted: 18. 08. 2017 | Category: NEWS, PAST

EXHIBITION: Márton Faragó – a Lendava painter on the front


Gallery-Museum Lendava kindly invites you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition of drawings by Márton Faragó in honor of the 100th anniversary of the First World War entitled Lendava painter on the front, which will be held on Saturday, August 26, 2017, at 11 am at the Museum of Citizenry (Lendava, Glavna ulica 52).

The exbition will be opened by:
Beata Lazar, Director of the Gallery-Museum Lendava
Dr. Lendvai Kepe Zoltan, Senior curator of the Gallery-Museum of Lendava

The exhibition will also feature items from the period of the First World War by members of the Society of collectors of Pomurje LINDVA.

The exhibition will be open until September 30, 2017.