Date posted: 12. 11. 2015 | Category: NEWS, PAST

FINE ARTS EXHIBITION: Sculptures made on the 43rd International Fine Arts Colony Lendava 2015


Gallery-Museum Lendava invites you and your friends
to the opening of an exhibition of sculptures created at the 43rd International Fine Arts Colony Lendava 2015,
which will be held on Friday, 20 November 2015 at 18h (6 pm) in the Attic Gallery of Lendava Castle.

The exhibition will be opened by Pavel Toplak, art historian.


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PHOTOS: The opening of the exhibition of bronze sculptures, created on the 43rd International Fine Arts Colony in Lendava, 2015

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PHOTOS: Bronze sculptures, created on the 43rd International Fine Arts Colony in Lendava 2015, in the Attic Gallery

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