Date posted: 14. 02. 2023 | Category: NEWS, PAST

INVITATION: Pannonia Reflections 2022 – 9th International Salon of Photography


The Gallery-Museum Lendava and the Photographic Society Pannonia kindly invites you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition of the Pannonia Reflections 2022 – 9th International Salon of Photography which will be held on Friday, 3rd March 2023, starting at 7 p.m. in Lendava Castle.

Opening speech will be held by Matej Peljhan, president of the Jury.

The exhibition is on view until first half of April 2023.


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[wp-svg-icons icon=”facebook-2″ wrap=”i”] Facebook: Pannonia Reflections
[wp-svg-icons icon=”facebook-2″ wrap=”i”] Facebook: Galerija-Muzej Lendava
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